Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Unprocessed Food Month

My friend Allison and I were inspired by Andrew on Eating Rules who sponsored an unprocessed food challenge. I found out about this challenge on October 1st, and instead of jumping right in, we spent the month preparing. It was a good plan.
I have figured out that I actually like Raw Carrots among other things.
I have made hummus from scratch using this lovely recipe. I made the tahini with this recipe. If you buy your sesame seeds in the bulk section it's quite inexpensive! The flavor profile of my hummus is somewhat different than the hummus on the blog, however, my favorite hummus involves roasted garlic or roasted red peppers, so I just need more flavor!
I have also made a very simple lentil soup. I of course added garlic.
I attempted to make the Roasted Chickpeas from Super Natural Everyday (by the lovely Heidi Swanson). Please check out her books and her blog! They ended up being quite dry when I reheated them in the microwave, I wonder if adding a little water would be helpful, or maybe I could use them in a soup. I'd hate to waste them as they taste quite good! We'll see!!
Oh yeah! I also make a brocoli pesto from her website. This turned out pretty well for me. I'm not sure I really like as a pesto, I have been spreading it on my toast in the morning and topping it with a fried egg, or putting it in my lentil soup, to change the flavor a little. Hummus also works as a great spread for toast besides the regular veggie applications.
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